Sunday, September 12, 2010

Wow. Today officially starts my third month. The last month of my first trimester and I am really excited about that because the BEST time in my pregnancies is the second trimester. You feel the best and you have an ultrasound where you can find out the sex of the baby if you so desire. And we usually do desire.

My mom is amazing. She has come twice this week to help me clean and get some laundry done. Bless her little heart. Buh-less her little heart. (quick trivia: Who says that?)

I have nothing else to say so here are a few pictures.

Eily and Isra going into church:

Some of the kiddos at church this weekend:

Eily reading a story to her doll:

Goodnight everyone!


  1. I like the second trimester best as well! 3rd is exciting b/c that means it's almost over, but it's pretty miserable! Hope you're doing well!

  2. Abner Peabody (answer to question)

  3. Abner Peabody! At first I was thinking Molly McGee but knew that didnt' fit.

  4. Abner Peabody! At first I was thinking Molly McGee but knew that didnt' fit.

  5. I was going to say a drunken Barney Fife... Who's Abner Peabody?
