Friday, October 15, 2010

Elaina's 5th birthday

Elaina had a birthday a few weeks ago and every time I have sat down to post the pictures Blogger wouldn't work. I realize that posting has been few and far between but I just can't justify being on the computer when I haven't cleaned anything. (That should give you an idea of what it looks like here.) Today I cleaned the kitchen and blogger is being kind so I knew I had better take advantage of the situation.


  1. so sweet! Eily's face is priceless in the one where yu are getting the cupcakes opened and ready to pass around. She has such joy in her expression:) Anticipation.sweet!LOL
    I love how they all dress up! All the girls look so sweet. Can not believe Elaina is 5 and Claire is 4...aleady!!

  2. Anonymous7:53 PM

    oh the memories. Could you not have found a bette photo of me? really? I love the princess photo.

  3. those are some super great pictures!
