Monday, November 15, 2010

Last week before Thanksgiving!

Hooray! Thanksgiving is almost here! Woop!

It am thankful for three little girls that have a crazy and wild imagination.

I'm thankful for a husband that makes it possible for me to stay home with the girls.

I'm thankful for a new nephew that should make his debut any day.

I'm thankful for my church family.

I'm thankful for my parents and their home that is always open and provides instant calmness to my soul.

I'm thankful for music.


  1. I am thankful that my home provides instant calmness to your soul. That is what "home" should be like.

  2. God Bless you all! Have a great holiday. We are hosting this Sat. instead of the real day. our house should be FULL and as always it's a huge blessing for us to all "gather to gether" Love ya'll!

  3. i'm thankful for Blue Bell Ice Cream.

  4. i'm so excited about thanksgiving!!! aaaa!

    i'm thankful that i can be good friends with my older cousins and stay at their houses...
    right? :)
