Sunday, November 07, 2010

The need to breathe

Sometimes I'm so upset that I can't breathe. I feel like something is pressing down so hard on my chest that in a few seconds my lungs are going to burst.  I hate this feeling. Hate, hate, hate it. Go away! You know what's worse? Because of my past wrongs I don't feel like I can do or say anything to change the situation. It's like I've lost the right to stand up for myself. And I'm just drowning. It's like the more I do to change what I did that was wrong, the more "the wrong" comes at me like it's going to swallow me whole. It's scary.


  1. Sorry to hear this. I do hope whatever it is does go away and leave you alone. I will see you tonight if everything goes like it is suppose too.

  2. Hey! I know how this feels. I hope you are okay!

  3. BREATH....take time to "not" think. I had a christian psychologist tell me once...SING! Satan tries to play things over and over in your MIND so that you will feel defeated. it's like turning off the TV that's in your head! you can not think and sing outloud at the same time:)
    Try it! I love you Bek.

  4. eek. this sounds bad.

  5. Concentrate on mathematics in those moments. Stop and add columns of figures. Really. Different part of the brain kicks in.

  6. sounds like you need some Rocky to relieve the stress....
