Monday, February 21, 2011

Typing is hard when you can't use your pointer finger.

I sliced my finger thid afternoon while makinf Sherried Tomato Soup for klunch. It's throws my typing off in a very silly way. It hurts and it's deep. I probably could use a stitch but I decided to go with the wound-up-tissue-secured-with-scotch-tape route instead. So far it's containing the blood.

Spring is creeping in and I'm so very happy about it. The other day the girls brought me the first Spring Beauty that popped up in our back yard. Later on that afternoon we got ready for a special church meeting and I thought about how they looked a lot like my own Spring Beauties.

We took several pictures and realized one thing. Claire cannot pose regular. She has to be twisted some way or another or a leg has to be lifted, something.

We were able to get a couple of pictures where the other two girls had a little more of the spotlight.

But even when she's in the background she's giving it her all.

Life is going to be fun with this one around.


  1. Words can not totally say what is in my heart looking at these. I love them all and I hope Claire never changes!!!!!

  2. Claire reminds me of Hallie, how she's so prissy. It cracks me up. She is gorgeous. All your girls are. Where did you get claire's sweater? I love it. Hope your finger gets better. I like how you didn't correct your spelling at the beginning. It was cute.

  3. Regular super-glue (preferably a new tube!!) can work to seal deep cuts. In fact, many Emergency Rooms are using it (probably an expensive medical grade) instead of stitches. I didn't have any on hand when my 4-y/o had a deep cut on his head, and by the time I got it, 12+ hours had passed, and from what I've read, at that time it's more likely to cause harm than good to close up a wound -- more likely to seal infection into the wound. But perhaps you can use this for next time?

  4. Bonny, I got it at Old Navy. She loves it and so do I.

  5. I simply adore these girls!! Miss y'all so much.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. oh, bekah. these pictures make us smile. and laugh.

    and oh my goodness. claire. what a girl. the camera loves that one!
