Friday, March 18, 2011

This warms my heart so much.

I have waited a long time to walk into a room and see this. My heart became so excited. A love of reading is priceless. And besides that, I HAVE A CHILD THAT CAN READ. Unbelievable.

Ok. And I have to admit that I'm a little excited that Amelia Bedelia has once again entered my life.


  1. awesome and precious....she is a special girl!!!!

    Eily was so cute, she called me and said her sandals came...the U.P. man brought them!:) she left out the S. and it made it so much cuter.
    Then she said "thank you...bye" and hung up!HAaaaa

  2. I love to t-shirt that she has one. Makes reading that much more fun!

  3. I absolutely ADORE this picture and all that it means... I just keep looking at it with so much pride and joy.

  4. oh yes. oh yes. oh yes. this is monumental, really. a new era. and there will be read alouds to the younger ones, and all the sweet endorphins will be yours when that happens. make sure you have a tape player on hand with blank tapes. surely they still make those.
