Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Sweet memories of May

Apparently we have been busy this month although it didn't really feel like it. We had a get-together at my cousin's house. Btw, all those trees you see lining his driveway were ripped out by the tornado last weekend.

We also watched as Nora James learned to smile at us.

I like these two pictures because they are basically the same but the focus is on a different person in each one.

We also learned how to hold our baby the right way, supporting her neck.

This past weekend we went to Mississippi for my cousin's wedding. Since Jason's brothers live in the same
town where the wedding was held, his parents drove in on Sunday to spend the day with their children, in-laws and granddaughters.

You can't have too many toys.

Lily Karen

 The boys played a little football and Frisbee Golf.

 Elaina looked extra grown-up this particular day.

At one point in the afternoon, I silently pointed the camera at Claire. Even though no directions were given, she instinctively knew to pose. She would pause between poses so that I could snap a picture and as soon as she heard the shutter click she would strike another one. I was laughing so hard inside but just kept a straight face on the outside. I wanted to see how long she would keep posing. It turns out she'll go for a long while before getting bored or distracted.

Uncle Tommy taught Elaina how to throw a Frisbee and they seemed to have a good time playing together.

And, technically, this is a June moment but whatever...
The girls have to help me clean up after supper now and they are getting really good. Elaina sweeps the floor, Claire wipes the table and scrapes out the leftover food and Eily loads the dishwasher. I was proud of what the dining room and kitchen looked like this evening.

Don't forget to enter the contest!!!

(Or instead of clicking on the link you can just scroll down.)


  1. well, that is impressive. enjoyed it though

  2. ok. that was not the best comment I could have made. It is a great post, loved loved loved the pictures. It looked like it was a great time had by all and I am so glad you were able to take this trip.

  3. Enjoyed, your girls are too precious...Claire put on a show, way too cute! ;~) And helping mommy is always a sweet thing.
