Tuesday, June 07, 2011

This was one of those things that was really funny but now that I'm trying to type it out as a story it's sounding a little boring and not at all funny. But it really was. Really!

Elaina hates to get in trouble and there are times when she says something a little rude to one of the other girls, we get on to her for it and she says, "Well, I was just joking." Yesterday, while driving home from Fort Smtih, Jason was trying to explain the difference between a joke and a lie to Elaina.  First, he gave her an example of a lie and then he started to give an example of a joke.

J- "Elaina, why did the chicken cross the road?"
E- "Where? What chicken? I didn't see the chicken! Girls, did you see the chicken? Daddy just saw a chicken going across the road!!"

Woosh! Right over her head.


  1. baaahahahaha....

    no, that's really funny, bek.

  2. hahahah. yep. that's as funny as you thought it was.

  3. What color is her hair??? jk. cute example

  4. couldn't have been any funnier:)

  5. you are a great teller of stories
