Sunday, October 30, 2011

Oh my goodness,

I let another week go by without posting. We were travelers this week. We went to Tennessee to visit my in-laws, pick up Claire and to attend one of Jason's shows. A show at which he sold six paintings the first night! Eeek Squeak!

So that pretty much sums up last week. We did have an awful lot of doctor visits and once I have some answers, I'll update everyone on those situations. (One situation calls for me to collect a certain someone's poop. So gross.)

Nora is getting pretty good at crawling and now she can go from the floor to a full sitting position. Time is flying by!


  1. love reading what you have to say and looking forward to seeing all of you again. real soon!!!!

  2. That's great that Jason sold those paintings! Way to go! So happy for you guys!
