Monday, October 10, 2011

Shabby Apple

Shabby Apple is one of my favorite on-line shopping stores. All their dresses are cute, decent and have a vintage flair. I have two dresses from this store but my favorite is Pina Colada. (In the yellow of course.)
They also have cute maternity clothes, little girl dresses and lots of accessories.   Ahh, to have spending money again..... :)

If you decide you want to order something from them, feel free to click on my link since I am now an affiliate. Woo Hoo!


  1. I love Shabby Apple! I'm jealous ;) you have some dresses from there, I've never been able to afford one! I voted for Jason, and signed into my mom's name and voted for him too haha..hopefully he will win. I thought you made the crib table as well, but then read on and realized you didn't. It's way cute!

  2. p.s. How did you become an affiliate?

  3. There's an application on their website.
