Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Phone Photos

1. Baby sleeping at Nanny's house. 2. Uncle Josh and Claire getting the grass ready for Family Day.
3. Eily as the strangely dressed male of the game. 4.  Jason doing work on the computer.
5. Puffed pancakes for breakfast! 6. Cousin time at Target. 7. Nora's first ride in the big girl seat!
8. Nora playing and waiting on the sisters to arrive. 9. Sleepy baby. 10. Cousin time at Aunt Rachel's house. 11. Molly at Crystal Bridges. 12. Eily's masterpiece created at Crystal Bridges. 13. Elaina painting at Crystal Bridges. 14. Aunt Kat and Lillie at Crystal Bridges. 15 & 16. First time to wear such a big girl hair do. 17. Lazy Eily. 18. Swinging Eily. 19. Fancy hair for Claire.
20. Nora at Science Museum. 

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