Thursday, April 19, 2012

The older girls named it Lydia. Eily named it Turnip.

Our butterfly finally emerged from its cocoon! To tell you the truth, Jason and I  had agreed on the side that it was probably dead. Shows you how much we know.

We brought it outside and carefully removed the stick.

How pretty!

We had fun playing with Turnip for a few minutes before we let him(?) go.

We all decided it would be neat to have a real butterfly bow.

When we tried to put it on Nora's head, it flew away. We were all a little sad. It kind of felt like we were saying goodbye to a member of the family.

And these two basically just watched from afar. Eily, because she was a little afraid at first. Nora, because she would eat him.


  1. just look how pretty eily is.

  2. Melanie Hodges11:12 AM

    I was thinking the same thing about pretty she is and she seems to have not stayed a baby for long! This is homeschooling at its best!

  3. how NEAT! they will always remember this! Everyone is so cute!
