Saturday, June 30, 2012

I love...

...finally being home after a two week traveling stint

...making gluten free cookies with Elaina so that we have a dessert to eat at church tomorrow

...Nora sleeping in her own bed, looking all cute and cuddly

...the sight of Claire and Eily folding a basket of clean clothes and towels

...the smell of chili cooking on the stovetop

...Jason's things unpacked and back on the shelf where they belong

...blogging from my desktop keyboard and not my phone

...watering my flowers

...picking vegetables from my garden

...the girls playing in the schoolroom my kitchen

...making our beds

...washing our dirty laundry

...going through our piled up mail



  1. Home, sweet home. Enjoy!!

  2. Anonymous4:10 PM

    I love, the sounds and smells from Jason after he eats that pot of chili and the fresh vegetables... heh, heh, heh.. ;)
