Monday, August 06, 2012


I promise I'm not trying to bombard your health. For those interested, this little clip is very informative on the benefits of Hibiscus and how it builds up your immune system. This evening, I made the recipe he talks about at the end of the video and tomorrow the girls and I will try it out. I couldn't find the Wild Berry Zinger tea so instead I used Tazo Passion tea.


  1. Melanie Hodges5:15 PM

    I am interested and I also want to know how you and your girls enjoyed it today when you tried it...

  2. We liked it. I had to add a little Stevia so it wouldn't be so bitter to the girls, but I think if I use the Wild Berry Zinger it would be sweet enough on its own. We added the mint leaves, too and Claire did not like it after that but the rest of us thought it was very tasty.

  3. There was some ingredient that I have no idea what he is talking about. Next time you are here, make us some.

  4. This I MUST try. Where did you get your stuff (sorry, can't remeber the name) you could have replaced with dates?
