Wednesday, August 15, 2012


School has started. The first day was pretty rough, the next day was better and today has been perfectly lovely. This may be due to the fact that Nora took a morning nap. As in all morning. As in no interruptions.
You may all think I'm crazy but I accepted a babysitting job that starts next week. The child is a little three year-old boy named Jager. (Not pronounced as in "he's got the moves like Jagger.) Today I got a text asking me if I wanted to babysit twin three year-old boys on Fridays. I said, "Sign 'em up! Let's go!"  No one ever said doing your part was easy. Both of the mothers are teachers so at least their schedule will be easy to work with. And I'm optimistic because three year-old children take naps. Well, mine never did, but I hear that's what normal kids do.  Right? Right? Right?

On a completely un-related note, I got to hold two relatives that were born last week. I'm off to try convince Jason to reverse his vasectomy. Have a happy Wednesday!


  1. well, you had twin boys on your mind....there they are...FRIDAYS:)

    tell the girls we said hello. and kisses as big as they are to all of them!:)))

  2. Melanie Hodges10:56 AM

    Oh, Bekah, you tickle me to no end! I am babysitting too at this moment and when Josiah heads off to K next week, that will leave me with three 3 yr olds [almost 4]and I decided to really start Bethany with about 2-3 hours of preschool daily and have informed the other parents that their kids will be starting preschool as well...get 'em all ready, right? I must say both of my kids still take naps, but Josiah only when he is talking back really bad or acting really tired. Bethany, at 3, still takes a 2-3 hour nap daily. If she doesn't, she is just plain the other 3 yr olds still take naps for about the same time...have fun!!!
