Monday, September 10, 2012


We had a very full weekend attending our church meeting. It's always wonderful to have these meetings and it's always hard to bounce back from them. For some reason, the days we leave the house early in the morning and stay gone all day are the days the house is at its messiest. This morning's agenda consists of school, babysitting, lots of laundry, lots of picking up and deep cleaning the bathrooms. I'm trying to stay un-scheduled with all these chores so that I don't start to panic because of the mess and the fact that the chores seem to be getting accomplished at a snail's pace. My goal is to get them done by the end of the day. I can do it, I think. With children, it's always one step forward, two steps backwards but I'll just keep stepping and by george, I'll make some headway. :) I'm thankful the older three are good helpers and babysitters.

1 comment:

  1. Know how you feel...we took off a few days and drove home (12hrs away) now we have to get back into the swing of things.
