Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Big girls are nice.

Eily went to spend the day at Aunt Sarah's house to do "school" and Nora and Jayger are asleep. It's calm over here. It's not clean, but it's calm. But guess what?! Elaina and Claire have taken it upon themselves to clean the kitchen, dining room and living room. And you know what else? The bedrooms and bathrooms are already clean. And the schoolroom is already clean. So you know what? In a few minutes I'll have a totally picked up house. So you know what that means? It means I can spend the afternoon doing the other things that need to be done, like folding clothes and ironing clothes and mowing the front and back yards. (Hopefully for the last time this year.) So you know what that means? It means today is a shaping up to be a pretty good day.
Aunt Sarah texted me this picture this morning.


  1. sounds like a great day to me.

  2. Hurray for the girls!

  3. adorable...she is doing great!Aunts are wonderful and very patient:)
