Friday, November 30, 2012

Bullet List

Some points of interest. (Or not, but let's just pretend, ok?)

Well, Volume 2 arrived in the mail yesterday. This is the funnest thing ever. It's like I have a secret pen pal. Except instead of stickers, I get books! Woo Hoo!!
  • I cannot believe December starts tomorrow. Crazy, crazy.

  • Last night, my Dad and a bunch of other people went to the UALR game. Every year around this time, Pappy (Dad) rounds up Pappy's Army and treats anyone that shows up with a ticket to the game. It's a bit of a different crowd each year but always a lot of fun. I stayed home with Eily, Claire and Nora so that Jason and Elaina could have some fun one-on-one time. Rumor has it that at one point Aunt Kat, Elaina and a foam finger made it onto the big screen while dancing. I would have loved to have seen that.

That's all. Have a great Friday!


  1. Yes, yes, we are famous now. And poor Eli danced as hard and as crazy as he could but he never got picked for the big screen. I felt bad for him.
