Friday, November 16, 2012


A while back...
on a Sunday morning...
while we were singing hymns at church...
particularly Wayfaring Stranger...
even more particularly during the I'm going there part...
Elaina leaned over to me and whispered...

"Where is this guy going?"

On that same Sunday morning...
while we were still singing hymns at church....
particularly Rock of Ages...
even more particularly during the let me hide myself in Thee part...
Elaina leaned over and whispered...

"That's a very bossy ending.



  1. Oh my goodness!! This made me laugh out loud! Love your girls!

  2. LOVE it! I remember not getting all the songs...I kept asking mom about the "gravy song"....turns out...later I heard it again and said..."THat's it....remember, I was 4 yrs was:
    Up from the grave HE arose:) I thought something like steam was rising out of the gravy..not Grave He!LOL
    what can I 1961 she made gravy everyday with breakfast....?????

  3. Hilarious! And so smart!
