Thursday, January 10, 2013

And Be Ye Kind...

Today? Well, today wasn't one of my best days. I didn't feel good to start with and I just seemed to be cranky and mean no matter how hard the girls tried to make my day better. Nora was mean and ornery (but at the same time so loving and affectionate) and draining and constantly wanting me to "tand up!" every time I put her in my lap. My patience and tolerance towards all the girls kept getting thinner and thinner until I finally blew up. I yelled so loudly that my throat hurt. I yelled about the house constantly being a wreck. I yelled about the non-flushing-of-the-toilet that keeps taking place so that the playing-with-used-toilet-paper also keeps taking place. I yelled about the glue stick smeared all over hair and body and inside the mouth. I yelled and yelled and yelled. And then I cried.

And then, after it was all over and a bit of time had past and the girls were back to being busy as little girls ought to be, each of them, at different times, came up to me with a handmade trinket. Elaina had drawn me a picture of my head inside a heart. Claire had drawn a picture of me and Jason inside a heart. Eily had written a note, All By Herself. It went like this:


She translated it for me.  "Mama, you are so kind to me."

Hopefully, the girls won't remember today. Hopefully, I will.


  1. Oh Bekah, that made me cry. What a tender, loving message from the Father. Your girls' response to you is a testimony to how you are raising them.

  2. We all have days like this! It's so hard being a mom, but how sweet of your girls not to get angry but to see that you were having a bad day. oh to have the heart of a child. so quick to forgive. I've done this a few times. so don't be too hard on yourself. I know they won't remember it..Hope you feel better soon!!!

  3. There is a lot of wisdom in your last statement, and much love in your home. It is a blessing that today was a strange day, and not the normal. Your children are blessed to live in a home where the loss of control is an aberration, and displays of love are the norm. God bless you as you continue the difficult, trying, incredibly rewarding job of raising a house full of girls.

  4. Sometime the kids need a wake-up call. Even good parents have their limits.
