Thursday, January 17, 2013


This afternoon was a draggy, lazy one. School was finished, the laundry was finished and the house was picked up enough to satisfy me for the moment. Mom came by with Audrey. We visited and looked at houses in South Carolina.  I had two chicken breasts thawing. I wasn't inspired to do anything with them. I wanted to order pizza. I wanted to continue to be lazy. I decided to just throw together something. Refrigerator clean out. Our pantry was pretty empty. Our fridge was pretty empty. Then I remembered This recipe I saw when I had checked my Pinterest account earlier in the day. I knew I had a sweet potato and a white potato. I knew I had milk. I knew I had spices and herbs.
I found a can of discounted turnip greens in the back of the pantry. I found a package of corn on the cob way in the back of the freezer. I found cornmeal. All of the sudden, I had a meal in front of me. A pretty good meal, actually. Just goes to show that sometimes there's more than meets the eye when it comes to the food in your house.

Our Menu:

Chicken Tetrazzini
Corn on the Cob
Turnip Greens
Sweet Potato Gratin

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