Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Family Day 2013

I didn't take the big camera to Family Day this year and I didn't think to take that many photos with my phone.  insert sad face

It was excellent weather and I really enjoyed spending the weekend with some of my favorite people in the world.

Uncle Robert surprised everyone by shaving his mustache exactly the way Daddy shaves his, 

and it was unreal how similar they looked.

She found a permanent marker.

Joshua talked Grandpa into trying on his old Navy Uniform.

It fits! (Well, sort of.)

Another one of the "twins."

From L to R:
Uncle Evan, Uncle Robert, Grandpa, Grandma, Mark(Daddy) and Aunt Melissa
Between the six of them, the family has grown to 68 with one on the way and two to marry in at some point.


  1. ooh ooh ooh, are the "two to marry in" ryan and jamie? did i guess it? do i get a prize?

  2. Melanie Hodges8:59 AM

    Even before you mentioned Robert shaving his mustache like your Dad's, I saw these pics popping up and I kept saying to myself "It must have been a really long time since I have seen them, because I just don't remember thinking they looked this much alike!" They really, really do look very much alike with the mustaches...

  3. i'm loving that last sentence of your post
