Thursday, March 21, 2013

Our "Memu" for the week

I think since I actually sat down and planned a menu this week, I'm just going to type it up here instead of taking pictures each meal.

Refrigerator clean-out

B- granola cereal
L- pb&j, carrot sticks, kettle chips
S- popcorn, mixed fruit
S- Roast with veggies

B-popovers/apple slices
L- applesauce/orange slices/pretzels/shredded chicken/carrot sticks
S- popcorn/apple slices
S- Slow cooker flank fajitas/ whole-wheat tortillas/ cheese/ avocado/ cilantro/ spinach leaves/ sour cream

B- pancakes/ banana slices
L- grilled cheese, steamed broccoli, apple slices
S- yogurt with granola, honey and frozen fruit
S- Spaghetti/ broccoli & cauliflower/ cantaloupe

B- Granola cereal/ fruit
L- leftovers
S- apple slices and pb
S- leftovers

B- oatmeal/ cereal
L- pb&j/kettle chips/ strawberries
S- cinnamon apple slices
S- Chicken and rice casserole/ green beans/ salad/ applesauce

B- oatmeal/ cereal
L- enchiladas/ refried beans/ brown rice/ green beans
S- popcorn/ strawberries
S- grilled cheese/ apple slices/ carrot sticks

Of course, we don't always eat these meals in the order that I write them, but I just put a check mark by the meals we have eaten and it helps me know what ingredients I still have in my pantry and refrigerator. Hopefully, this will help with ideas when your tummy comes calling!

P.S. Any any new meal/snack ideas would be greatly appreciated. I get stuck in a rut and we eat the same things over and over again. Preferably, nothing processed, or at least a menu that I can adapt.

P.P.S. Hey Mama's, need school lunch ideas? There are some great ones here, here and here.


  1. Anonymous5:13 PM

    I like the links to the bean recipe. I want to try that.

  2. lately, we've been relying on black bean enchiladas and lentil stews of all kinds. cheap, filling, and full of vegetarian protein.

  3. Anonymous10:21 PM

    We have homemade chicken enchiladas and Shepherds pie (great way to sneak LOTS of veggies in I put in corn, peas,carrots and then potatoes on top) we always use ground turkey but I went to garners in VB and got lamb the other day I cant wait to use! Homemade pizza is also a great way to throw all kinds of veggies in and they will eat it lol.
