Saturday, March 23, 2013

Phone Photos

Watching Backyardigans in style
Eily, Ian and Nora
And The Umbrella

This nap took a very long time happen.
And then she woke up and threw up.

Grandma found these leaves in a book.
She had put them there to press them two years before.
Isn't their color amazing!

Daddy and Eily
Every Morning
Soft lips

Aunt Bekah

An all-too-often Lucille Ball moment
Bringing home the kitchen sink
And pizza

This is how Clarkamus Bar showed up for math class.
I told her to stand still for a minute so I could take a picture.
She has a fancy way of standing.

Angle Baby
(except when she's have a 2yo tantrum)
I love her kisses.

Valentine's Day breakfast for my love.
Grandma's heart shaped cookies are The Best!
And they make my breakfasts look fancy. 

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