Tuesday, May 14, 2013

ACME craft- March

I'm a bit late posting our March ACME craft and I haven't even had the girls make the April craft yet. Maybe that will be on tap for tomorrow.

As always, it was very pleasingly wrapped and included detailed instructions.

We started by cutting the fabric into long strips. We had to take turns using the good scissors because the kid scissors just weren't cutting it. (Get it?)

Once we had all the fabric cut,

I tied the ends of the rope into loops and we started assembling the garland.

I laid the rope across the fabric strip (which was folded in half),

and then pulled the ends through the loop, making sure to catch the rope.

It kind of looked like a tie knot, but inside out.

The girls got a little bored helping by holding the rope while I looped the fabric strips, but eventually we got them all put on and then Claire and I picked out a spot in her room to hang the festive garland.

It looks really good and I'm pretty sure this is one decoration that will stay in the family for many years to come. It feels very durable.


  1. That is so cute! I want one for my room.

  2. I love it. Bet the girls had a blast
