Friday, May 17, 2013

Friday Finals

It's the weekend. What are your plans? We have a full calendar for the rest of the month. Tomorrow we are going to the farmer's market in Fayetville and then Aunt Kat comes in late tomorrow night. Then on Sunday we have church and the dress rehearsal for the girls' dance recital. Then on Monday, we jump into the activities lined up for next week. Here's a few photos to get you through the weekend and I'll see you back here on Monday!

Pee Wee and Brown Bear (as the scarf)

This guy. He's dead. Very, very dead.

In a word? Michael. :) And yes, I changed my pass code but only because the girls figured it out, too.

"Oh! You mean eyeshadow is only for eyelids?"

Blakeley and Claire, having a blast.

Ryan and Nora, having a blast.

This much dirt on her face can only mean it was a great day.

Elaina= Best big sister an Eily could ask for.


  1. cute thoughts and I did not recognize Claire at all. Sure am glad you said who they were.
