Monday, July 22, 2013

I'm back!

Good morning!
We got in from San Antonio around ten-thirty last night and I'm so thankful that no one started waking up until nine this morning. While we were in Texas, the inspection passed and the appraisal was approved and sent through. We move out in 13 days and all I have packed is two blankets. I had a mini panic attack this morning as I realized what all is ahead of me in the next two weeks, but Mom calmed me down and I rolled up my sleeves and dove in.  First thing on my list is to go get the Explorer and trailer and then go to Magazine and empty the boxes in the trailer into Jason's studio. Then I'm driving back and I'm going to start loading things from the barn. Then, it's just going to be back and forth all week between the house and the storage unit, which is unfortunately a 45 minute drive. But later on, we will be glad we stored so close to the house we will be moving in to.

We had a wonderful time in SA with our friends and I have a post and pictures coming about that, but right now I'm going to go get busy!


  1. Boy, we got a lot accomplished. At your house, mine, and the studio.

  2. You're moving? That's never any fun...
