Thursday, November 21, 2013


Eily has a (non-related)best friend and I COULD NOT be happier for her. I used to imagine what it would look like to see her laughing and playing with a girl her own age and let me tell you, today's lunch at school proved that it's a sight worth seeing. I think a play date at home is in our near future. 


  1. oh, eily. this makes me smile. glad she has a pal now.

  2. Is that "hunk" food?ha They are sooo cute!!! Eily has the neatest personality!!!! She said she didn't want her other tooth to come out...she might look weird!ha as if one tooth out was very normal looking.h.aha

  3. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Sweet! Nothing like a BFF!

    Aunt Abby
