Thursday, November 07, 2013

Something New & Nothing New

I don't usually make new year resolutions. I think the last time I truly made one was when I was a teenager. I discovered very quickly that I didn't keep them and most of the time, they felt forced and shallow.
This evening, I read a link that one of my friends had posted on Facebook. The catch line was Stuff, Do We Really Need More?  At first I passed it by but it wouldn't leave my brain so eventually I scrolled back up and clicked on the link.

Let me chase a rabbit for a minute. Last year, around this time, I decided to give up soft drinks.  At little bit of the motivation came from wanting to lose tummy fat but mostly, it was due to learning more and more about how food/drinks affect our bodies and how important it is to our health to avoid processed things/sugar/preservatives, etc…  Because I felt so convicted about stopping, it really wasn't that hard for me to stick to my resolve, and I haven't looked back since. The girls never really had coke to drink anyway, but it has been completely eliminated from their diets as well. I think Jason may have a Sprite every now and then but I don't nag him about it since he drinks them so infrequently. So, my point is this, it was easy (and in some ways, enjoyable) to quit because I had deep motivation and conviction about what I was doing. I also knew, it the deepest gut of my guts, that this time it would be easy for me to quit soft drinks. I had tried before and gone a little while but eventually would pick up the habit again. It was just different this time. I can't really explain it. It just seemed so simple and direct and obvious.

Back to the first topic. I clicked on the link and was directed to this website. The more I read, the more I was intrigued. The more I was intrigued, the more I was convicted. And the more I was convicted, the more excited I became. I got the same feeling that I had when I decided to quit drinking Dr Pepper. (All soft drinks apply, but that's really the only one that I ever drank.) It seemed so simple and direct. So obvious. So right.

I read the article to Jason who was immediately on board. This is his kind of thing, anyway. It will be much harder for me than it will be for him.
So, my friends, I am happy to announce that for the first time in almost 20 years, I am going to make a resolution.

We, the Jason Sacran family, will not buy anything new in 2014. 
Obviously, there are a few exceptions to the rule (like toilet paper) and I will be working on a post with those exceptions laid out so that you all can keep me on my toes. Every month, I will give a recap of the month and how the experience has changed us. We will be explaining it to the girls and I'm sure there will be times they will be frustrated, but they will also have a reason for the "no." We will appreciate any encouragement you can send our way. It going to be hard, but it going to be fun! 


  1. I LOVE THIS TO DEATH. yay sacran family!

  2. Wow, now that's a challenge worth its salt.

  3. Wow!! I will be very excited to see how this unfolds.

  4. this post comes at the right time for us. thanks for the reminder of our newlywed commitment!

  5. All of which reminds me of the old song, "Does the chewing gum lose its flavor on the bedpost overnight?"

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. don't worry girls....there are grandparents;) Just kidding:)) I'll have to ck the other post later. too tired right now....spent the entire day shopping for NEW gifts for the girls and helping mom buy for them too:) HA. I'm sorry I'm being silly. I am just so tired....from shopping:) ha. love ya'll.

  8. the good news is you still have 1.5 months left to buy anything you really want before the embargo goes into effect.

  9. also, don't let my wife see this.

  10. that first comment was probably inappropriate. sorry, I didn't meant to throw salt on the cereal. ill be quiet now.

  11. This is intense. Bravo, and you can totally do it!

    This might be a good year to read through the Little House on the Prairie books. :)
