Sunday, December 08, 2013

Rules for 2014 Resolution

1.  We are not to purchase anything new - unless it is found in new condition at a yard sale/thrift store, etc…

2. There are a few exceptions to Rule 1 :)
    These exceptions are: toiletries, cleaners, Jason's art supplies, etc…, Car parts (hopefully this won't be needed), and shoes.
I have some very strong feelings about wearing used shoes. BUT- the shoes have to be needed and sensible. No more how-adorable-we-have-to-have-them shoe purchases.
Toilet paper (duh)
Groceries (double duh)

3. At the end of each month I have to report how we've done, what money we've saved, etc…

4. Since this resolution is for our family and not yours, if we are to buy a gift for someone in your family, it will be new. Unless I find something totally perfect and in perfect condition at a used item store. Hey- it could happen!

5. Also, I will not tell the girls they can't get new items from others when it's their birthday, Family Day and Christmas. Like I said before, this applies to our family, not your family.

I think that's about it.

The time is drawing near. I'm still just super excited about this challenge and the positive effects I hope it has on my family.  Let me know if you have any other rule suggestions (real ones, Adam). I love having input.


  1. Anonymous6:28 AM

    The only suggestion that i have is perhaps that the girls should go see Aunt Ashlie and go through all the shoes in Audrey's closet to see which ones she has outgrown...

  2. You inspire me. I won't stick to your plan, but I am going to use the idea of only if needed. If we don't need it, as in real need not want it need, we won't get it. I can't have this a household rule cause your Dad has the option of if I want it I can have it rule. But I do like your idea.

  3. could you buy new material/sewing supplies to make clothes? same thing goes for handmade gifts. do the supplies to make handmade gifts fall in that category?

  4. buy new gifts on clearances:) shoes on clearance etc....even food items at discount stores:)
