Wednesday, January 22, 2014

I know, I know

I keep trying to post. Honest I do. But for some reason, it has been very, very hard to find a moment to write something. I did, however, up load some photos the other day and I'll let them be my post for now and help me ease pack into regular posting. 

Maid Marion

Pallet sleeping at Aunt Kat's on the way home from Tennessee

They took over Aunt Kat's bed. And each other's personal space.

Nora rested on Daddy's fist. And it was cute.

On New Year's day, we finally made our gingerbread houses.

Claire's house was the only house to stay together.

The rest of the houses had to be decorated in pieces. 

This is how you pose for a picture but also keep your nakedness a secret. 

We also put together some ACME crafts that day.

Claire made a fabulous looking peach pie out of play-doh.

Audrey came for a visit and taught a How To Behave Like A Princess class. Nora didn't pass.

We acquired a puppy. His name is Samson and I have to admit I'm a little bit in love. 

He's very patient.

Daddy babysat one evening while I had my hair changed.

It's always more fun when he's in charge.

I think her whiskers are my favorite.

Nora would spend all day, every day with him if I let her.

I call this Through the Toilet Paper Roll.

New hair color. Me no likey. Me need brown again.


  1. I like your hair.

  2. Anonymous6:16 AM

    These made me laugh.

  3. looking very cute!!!!!!! Great pictures.

    Property Chiang Mai

  4. great pics! great face painting JJ, great dog...he's so chubby and cute:) you have a face that can goes with any haircut or color:) you look mav-a-lous..darling:)

  5. Still laughing at Nora failing the princess class!
