Sunday, July 10, 2016

Apparently I'm chatty now

Not that that's a new thing, it just hasn't been a current thing when it comes to the blog.

We buried my little nephew yesterday. His name is Able Isaac. He was born at 19 weeks but lived 18 weeks. It was a sweet, painful, God-honoring service.

Training for Classical Conversations starts tomorrow. Life just keeps going no matter what's going on during the day-to-day. Eily is with Mom and Dad, the older girls are taking a sewing class, and Nora is going with me to the training.

I have so many friends going through such hard things right now. I feel helpless so I just pray for them. Adulting is no fun sometimes.

Females, do you shave your legs every time you shower?

Whole 30 can be easier than you think. Try it.


  1. So glad you are back

  2. my dear bekah, prayer that is full of faith is very powerful because it is relying on our God who is all-powerful. be encouraged.
