Monday, February 13, 2017


Did you know that Mondays are my very favorite? Maybe it's because I was always in trouble and getting grounded, etc..., but I love the idea of a fresh start. Every Monday is a fresh new week, an unchecked, but ready to be checked, to-do list. I'm also in the process of slowing down our lives and every Monday, I look at our schedule and think, "At the end of this week, all these things will be finished and don't ever have to be repeated." And I like the way that feels. This week we will be finished with all the Valentine stuff (boxes, cards, food) that we needed for our CC group, Elaina will have a dentist appointment so we won't have to do that for another 6 weeks or so, I will direct my last tutor meeting (EVER), and at there's a fun event taking place at the end of our week but I'll wait until it's finished before I tell you about it. So there. That's why I love Mondays.

Also, I start to get caught up on laundry on Mondays so there's that, too.

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