Saturday, September 09, 2006

The Name Game

Ok,ok... We have officially decided on a name. The only clue I will give is that we are going to share the same initials. So, I would love to see what guesses you all come up with. You never know, we might end up using your idea!! (I am very fickle with this child so far.)


  1. Rosita Cyracuse

    Rosalyn Candice

    Rose Ceredwin

    Raquel Cyanide

    Rachel Claire

    Rebekah Claire

    Rita Cantilly

  2. Rickisha Calawnda

    (don't ask me where that came from)

  3. Well, Nardo has put quite a bit of thought into this. Very impressive. I will say that one person has guessed correctly.

  4. no beka. please. not Rickisha Calawnda. please reconsider.

  5. It's too late. My heart has attached to that beautiful sounding name. Can you really blame me?

  6. Don't you love it when your comment is not particularly funny, but people use it to make hilarious jokes?
    Actually, that's the first time that's ever happened to me.

  7. Okay, looking at this quite realistically. You have already named 'Laina after you, using Ceridwen, so I don't think it's Rebekah Claire. That leaves Roberta and Rachel...unless I misjudge your taste :)
    Because I also know somewhat of Jason's taste and his pickiness of names, I will hazard the guess that it is not Roberta as that just sounds like a name he would not want to use. Too much like Claudia or Gertrude, you know.
    So, my official guess is Rachel Claire.
    If that's not it then I say it would definitely have to be Rita Cantilly. That is SUCH a beautiful, flowerlike, musical name!!!

  8. It might be Rachel Claire, that's true. But I'm guessing Roberta Claire.

    Shafer, had he been a girl (duh), would have been Lily Roberta, or possibly Alice Roberta. (after my great-aunt Alice.) I'll always be a little sad I didn't get to use those names. But I sure wouldn't trade for Shafer.

  9. Yes, but you aren't considering Jason's stubborn name preference. A guy who would name his child Argyle is not likely to like Roberta. :)
    Just kidding, Jason I love you!!!

  10. AAAAAAAAAAHH!!!!! The baby finally came!!!!!

    OK. Maybe I'm a bit early. Just anticipating...
