Wednesday, September 27, 2006

New Baby, New Routine

This was me Friday morning breathing steady, not thinking about flowers opening up(what's up with that suggestion?), and waiting, waiting, waiting....

And this was me Friday afternoon-still not thinking about flowers- holding our new baby girl. Her name is Rachel Claire Sacran and we call her Claire. She weighed 6lbs 9oz., was 20 3/4 inches long and has a lot of very dark brown hair. She is so cute and cuddly and I can't wait to show her off to everyone in person!


  1. She is beautiful!!! I can't wait to see both of your girls in person - congratulations!

  2. Aw...What JOY!

    Cain't wait to see!

  3. sniff, sniff. I miss her already and I haven't even seen her yet!!

    She does look cuddly though and I bet she smells wonderful! (I love that new baby smell.)

  4. You BOTH look beautiful. Congratulations to your little family. My prayers for you will definitely continue!

  5. You know how we used to joke about things like "Oh, Elaina's here! And she brought Rebekah with her!"

    Well, I was looking at Tommy's blog and Shafer was reading over my shoulder. He says "Is that Elaina's new baby?"

  6. That's halarious!!! You can tell him she isn't sure if she wants this baby or not but we will get there eventually.
