Tuesday, June 26, 2007

I do too have two teeth. See!!


  1. She is such a happy baby girl. Warms your heart up to have her around. How is Elaina? Still sick?

  2. That's a perfect shot of her smile! Have you heard any word on the house yet?

  3. All that is left is the inspection and that has been ordered. We are supposed to close on the 20th.

  4. She is so cute! I miss her so much.

  5. She is so sweet. Wish I could squeeze her into a huge hug:) She's not going to know us. Elaina remembers us,but Claire doesn't have a clue:(

  6. That is so cute! Your approach to the tooth pic was way better than mine - she seems much more cooperative! :)
    Be sure and let us know if you all ever come this way to visit Leah. I know the girls and Isaac would have a big time together!
