Friday, August 03, 2007


We are in the process of moving so there has been little time or energy to get on this computer. Soon, though.

Everyone is invited to our new house for a shindig on August 25th. We should have food ready around noon and you can stay as long as you like. If you need directions you can call me or mom and dad. I don't feel like letting the world know my number so if you don't have either one of our numbers, get ahold of a PB directory and look up Dad's name.

See you there!


  1. Lillie and I will be there with bells on!!! ding ding!

  2. I am so very happy about your house. I won't be able to come to Arkansas just yet... but hope you will give me the grand tour when I am able to visit. I pray everything goes smoothly with your home projects!

  3. have fun! you are you little time to have everything put away:)
    youth!ha. love ya'll

  4. Congratulations!!! I don't think I'll be able to make it to the shindig, but please post some pics when you get a chance! I'd love to see it!

  5. I've seen the pictures, and it looks like you had a fabulous party. Hope you had a great weekend!
