Thursday, September 13, 2007

So I realized that I desperatly needed another update.

Baby number 3 is on the way. I'm guessing that it is due the end of April. Perhaps around Sarah's birthday. I'm going to have an ultrasound done tomorrow so I should have a more precise date then.

Elaina and Claire will turn 2 and 1 at the end of this month. They are both talking exceptionally well and a lot. (Wonder who they possibly could have gotten that from?) Claire isn't walking yet but she started taking more chances with it this week. She will let go of one item before she has a hold of the next one. It's not much but it is something. I think if we really work with her it will be soon.

Jason's art career is booming here in Fort Smith. He was appointed the Ambassador of Arkansas for the Portrait Society of America and has several commissions in the works. Along with that he has his regular job as the Program Director for the Fort Smith Art Center. He's a busy man but a happy one. And he might be a bit stressed at the thought of another little dependent. :)

We are settling in the new home. The girls have had no problem adjusting. I think they immediately forgot about their former home. I know, I know. I will post pictures as soon as I remember to take them AND as soon as the house is spotless. So probably never.

That's about all I can think of right now. Chat with you soon (hopefully).


  1. Congratulations! I am so happy for you!

  2. So it is public knowledge now. Good. I can tell people.
