Friday, December 19, 2008

Christmas is coming!


  1. How sweet!!! They had so much fun with Louis and Abi and Tommy on their last visit. I'm so happy they have fun memories of them:) Elaina is talking so grown up:_ and Claire is ever the cooperative one.ha.

  2. I keep watching this. I could just squeeze them up:P

  3. I totally somehow missed half of your blog! I just went back and read a lot of it. I think its b/c i saw the the best buy post, but i didn't realize there was a second one, so i just started there..anyways, my number is 6154963579 and chads is 9315108130. I called you 2 days ago, but the number didn't work. I must still have the wrong one. Alaina's haircut is so cute. YOu will have to tell me the story about getting ears pierced when I see you. I want that cook book too! I saw it on Oprah and I thought it was Genius!! Can't wait to see you guys!!

  4. Oh, i Didn't realize Claire got a haircut too! Cute!
