Thursday, December 18, 2008

Deceptively Delicious

My Christmas gift to myself.

I have spent many, many, many, many hours at our Pediatrician's office in the past few weeks. In one room, she has this book out on the counter by the little sinks that are always in these rooms. Eily was fascinated with the crackly paper on the bench so I took a look-see. I was instantly captivated and have been wanting a copy for myself ever since. We went to the Mall today so I could get Jason's Christmas gift and in that very store there was a copy (Ok. Several copies) of this book for ten dollars. So I snagged one. Whoopie!!

I was just lying down with the girls enjoying some snuggle time as they were drifting off to sleep. Claire pipes up:

Claire: I found my fingernail!

Me: What?

Claire: Here. Feel it.

I feel a piece of her thumb nail that has peeled off and I tear it the rest of the way off.

Claire: No!!! I need my fingernail!

Me: It will grow back. Fingernails always keep growing. More and more.

slight pause

Claire: Like my boogers!!

One stop we made at the Mall today was Claire's. Ever since Elaina and Claire's dramatic ear piercing incident I have had to physically force Elaina to let me change out her earrings. Talk about a migraine. Claire was great but of course one of her ears had to tear and get so infected that we had to remove both earrings and let the holes grow up. Anyway, it occurred to me today that maybe if Elaina picked out some special earrings that were just hers it might make this whole situation a lot better. She picked out some turtles, daisies, ladybugs, bumblebees, pink balls, lollipops and the most important pair...... cupcakes. After the mall we went to Best Buy and we had to wait a few minutes for Daddy to arrive and so I asked her if she wanted to change them. She sat very still in my lap and didn't make one sound other than an occasional giggle. I was so proud of her for acting so big about it and we have made quite the "deal" over the earrings. I mean, what woman wouldn't want to own a pair of cupcake earrings? Totally cool. (You can click on the picture to make it bigger.)

Target carries size 4 (little girls) slim jeans boot cut. Do you realize what this means for our family???? No more plumber cracks at our house!!!

Claire pee-peed in the potty at O'la's this evening. (O'la is the name of any Mexican restaurant according to our daughters.) (I don't know how to correctly write O'la but I'm sure you can figure out what I am trying to get across here.) Once again, proud Mommy.


  1. That cookbook looks good! Is she the one that purees veggies and mixes them into other foods?

  2. I love Claire's thoughts toward understanding that fingernails keep growing. :-) and Elaina's cupcake earrings are the greatest! :-D and so lady like. maybe I should get Kara a pair. :-D

  3. Christy,
    Yes. The dishes look so interesting to me. I can't wait to try it out on the kids and see if they notice.

    DUH!!!! I'm guessing that is at the very tippity top of her list. !!! Or maybe the mulit-colored turtle earrings. They are pretty cool, too.

  4. Not that it really matters but every time I wrote turtles I really meant frogs.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I have been wanting that cookbook for a really long time. It is funny that I was just thinking of that book this morning. I was wishing I had told your mother that is what I wanted when she asked me for a gift idea. Now I will just wait and see if you recommend it or not.

    Claire's booger story was very funny.
