Wednesday, February 18, 2009

C.V.'s Deals 2/18/09-2/24/09

This is the best I could figure out for this week.

Sweet Sue Canned Meat- 2/4

-Use .75/1 coupon

1.25 each

Febreze Air Fresheners -2/5

-Use .50/1 coupon doubled and $1/1 coupon

1.50 each

TAG Spray or Invisible solid

-Use $1/1 coupon combined with B2G1 coupon

$2 each

Crest Toothpaste-$2/4

-Use $1/1 coupon $1.00 each

-Use 1.50/1 coupon $.50 each

Scope Mouthwash - 2/6

-Use 1/1 coupon

2.00 each

Post Cereal- 6/10

-Use 1/2 coupon

1.16 each

Yoplait Yougut - 20/10

-Use 1/8 .38 each

-Use .40/6 coupon doubled .37 each

1 comment:

  1. you DID good:) get ready, I cut out ALL those coupons the guy gave me. I'm sending you alot of coupons today. I'm sharing with you and googoo.

    next week will be NONE extra due to this past Sunday not having coupons in the paper. After that, he should be giving me LOTS of coupons each week. We'll see???? Man, we will be going nuts on specials.ha.
    I'm almost embarrassed...I have 44 of those mento's 55cents off coupons. Food Lion has the buy one get one submitting 2 coupons per deal...comes out 20cents ea. They are gonna give me some looks when I go in and raid them for 44 of them!ha. at 20cents each. Wonder if Bubba would do it?ha.ha.

    I had a pile of 21 booklets of coupons....and so, while David and I were sitting last night....I took the booklets apart and matched all the pages that were the same...then I lined up about 6 pages at a time and cut them out that way...lots faster and then all my coupons that matched were already in a stack!:)
    anyway........get ready:) I chose ones I thought any one would be able to use and stuff I thought you might like. share out or throw away if you don't want them. Beebs
