Thursday, February 19, 2009

This and That

We finally did another reading lesson. It had been over a week and I really didn't expect her to remember the new sound we had learned in the last lesson. Of course she remembered. This child remembers everything! There was a new sound introduced today. I sat down with Bug and said, " Here is the new sound for today. I am going to touch under the sound and say it." And as I took a breath to say it Bug pipes up, "rrrrrrr!!!" Naturally. She already knew. She doesn't need me. Or my book of Reading Lessons. (Except she really does.) And then later in the lesson she and I were supposed to sound out "mat" together. I said, "Lets say the first sound. mmmm. Now, lets say the second sound. aaaaa. Good. Now, lets say the last sound. tttt. Good. Now let's blend those wor..." and then Bug just looked at me and said, "Mat." I squealed and she became very happy.

I went to the gym today. I haven't been to the gym since right after I had Bug. I dropped the girls off in the day care there and the nice lady at the front desk gave me a tour of the facility. There was about ten minutes before the next class started so I went back to the day care to wait. I held Thumper and talked with the workers and then headed off for some Flow Yoga. (Don't ask. I have no idea.) About 5-10 minutes into the routine, the overhead speaker came on. "Rebekah, you are needed in the day care. Rebekah, you are needed in the day care." So much for a trim tummy. Thumper was sobbing and so we packed it up and went home. Therefore, I have decided I will try and see if I can make myself get out of bed at 4:45 in the morning and go to the early class on Mondays and Wednesdays. This class is called Tread and Shred. I think it sounds daunting. And then on Tuesday I will go at 8:30 in the morning which is usually a happy time for babies 'round the world. That class is called Body Shop. Makes me think of a mechanic. After that class the girls and I can got to the Library for Toddler Hour. On Thursdays, I will go at 9am for..prepare yourself...Zumba. I watched a little of this class today. It looks fun and groovy. On Friday and Saturday mornings I want to go at 8:30 and 9:00 for Core (abs) and then Double Step which I assume is a step class. Hopefully, Thumper will cooperate a little more the rest of the week. Maybe she is still feeling a little down since she was vomiting yesterday. Poor baby.


  1. Good for yoU! Are you going to the Y? I've been to Zumba it sso fun. Good luck with getting up at 4:45..I wouldn't be able to do it!

  2. I probably won't be able to do it but I'll give it a shot. We don't have a Y here. :( It's a gym that is associated with one of the hospitals here.

  3. 4:45....sounds more like time to GO to bed...not get up.ha.
