Thursday, March 05, 2009

10 Months and other various ages

It's time for my monthly update on the girls. By the way, this will become a thrice yearly thing once Eily turns one.

I didn't even realize that Eily had upped a month until a few days after the first. Guess there is just too much swimming around inside my head.

We will start with...Jason, I guess. I know he's not a girl but let us talk about him anyway. He has glasses now. They are dorky in such a handsome way. They are dorky b/c the frames are dark on the top and the sides and they are handsome b/c he looks handsome in them. 'Nuf said. He is busy with school. Always, always, always painting. He's turning out some really nice paintings. He's had to do several still lifes with apples so I might end up with a nice collection to put in my kitchen.

Elaina is growing up. Still doing her reading lessons. Her newest sound is "th" and she is having a little bit of a hard time working this sound out. She has always pronounced it like a "d" so the words don't sound right to her ears as she is sounding them out but I think after one or two more lessons she will have it down. She is looking more like a kid and less like a child all the time. She is generally happy and is a sunshine ray in my day.

Claire. Poor Claire. She gets the brunt of the punishment around here. I guess it's her age plus she has a somewhat stubborn personality. She is so whiny all the time and drives me mental most days. But...she says, "Mom, I think I love you" about every 5 minutes or so, has the most infectious giggle and tries so hard to entertain Eily for me. She is very concerned with making sure that Elaina isn't lonely at night. She is very compassionate. And she remembers to say mam after yes and no at least half of the time. Elaina never remembers.

Eily is sooooo cute!! She has the two most humongous teeth coming in on the top. They are so large that it is taking them forever to get all the way down. Every once in a while she will stand for a second or two on her own and she is starting to try to cruise the furniture. She eats everything except she doesn't really chew so she is always choking. Yesterday she ate some ant poison and I had to call the Poison Control Center. Thankfully, she is fine. She loves her family and is very attached to us which is a good thing and a bad thing.

Me. Rebekah. Girl Scout cookies will be the death of my "soon to be" (haha. ROFL) flat tummy. I'm trying to be fit looking before we go to D.C. but since there are about 6 more boxes of those cookies sitting on top of the refrigerator I'm thinking it's not going to happen. Oh well.


  1. Man the Girl Scouts know how to rope you in, don't they??? :) I've been trying so hard to eat right, and then I had to go and order those cookies, because I couldn't disappoint a little girl at church by not buying from her! I pigged out on them, too.

  2. Yeah, stinkin' girl scout cookies. Why do they have to look so darn cute and pathetic when selling them? I managed to escape by only buying one box, though!

    I think it is hilarious that you calmly mention...btw Eily ate some ant poison yesterday...blah, blah, blah! I am glad she is okay!

  3. I bought two boxes of Samoas this past Monday, but I've had a (yet another) bad cold all week long and haven't been able to eat my cookies. But next week, I'm so looking forward to my Samoas.

    You should post a picture of Jason in his glasses!

    Thank you for all of the updates!

  4. I can't wait to see your kiddos... and you too.

    I'm with you on the cookies. We have unopened boxes of thin mints and tagalongs. They won't stay unopened for long. Like, for the rest of today.

  5. yum, thin mints:)
    I'm glad Eily is o.k. I guess she won't be in danger of being bit by an ant!ha.
    loved the update. Send a pic of Jason in his glasses.
    Elaina is very easy going. Claire must vie for position!ha.
    I think with Claire you just have to choose your battles and try to avoid provoking the "stubborn" monster that tries to hide out in her!ha. Bubba and I just die laughing when she pulls a "stubbo"! She is unmovable when she decides to clam up!ha.
    But, we do not have to raise it's not so cute for ya'll!ha. Love those babies. I am miserably missing them. Hard to breath this last week. bubba and I talk about them constantly. We are needing our "baby fix"!!!! BAD!!!:(
