Saturday, March 07, 2009

Ho Hum

We were supposed to go to Hot Springs today for their annual meeting. We were at my parent's house because we were supposed to stay the night with them and leave this morning at 6. I had all the clothes laid out in separate piles. I had Eily bathed, fed and down for the night. I had Claire eating supper, her and Elaina's pj's ready for after their baths and I had everything that could already be loaded put in the van. I had reinstalled Claire's car seat in the backseat. I had baked cookies to take to help with the food and made sure and put them in the van.

And Elaina ran a 103.7 fever.

So now we are here. At home. Tired. Lazy. And pretty cranky. Elaina seems fine today. Except for the cranky part. Claire is ornery. Eily is asleep. And I am wanting to go crawl under the covers and take a long, long nap.

1 comment:

  1. bless your heart! Motherhood is SUCH A JOB! I relate it to being a "pack-mule":) Have mule will travel.ha.

    Hope Lainey is better. There is so much going around that Putnam county closed it's schools Fri and Mon. hoping the long weekend will help the kids get well.

    tommy is major sick. I feel real sorry for him. Kinda pitiful on my scale, and I'm a tough cookie.ha.ha.
    love ya'll.
