Sunday, March 29, 2009

A contest (My first)

Tonight on the way home from church, Elaina asked me, "Mom, what does the moon eat?"

What would your answer have been?

The winner will receive a $10.00 gift card to TJ Maxx. (Is there only one "x"?) Contest ends Tuesday night at 6 pm.
Creativity counts!
Good Luck!


  1. The moon eats sunshine.

  2. Anonymous6:51 AM

    The moon eats the sky like a big pizza pie. Thats food baby, love food.

  3. It eats "moon beams" and if I win....Elaina can have the gift card:)))

  4. The Moon eats dust from the sky, then spits it out and the dust turns to stars. That's how they get their shine, from the Moon. P.S. Jason, I love that song.

  5. R.C. Cola and Moon Pies, of course! ;)

    P.S. You got the x's right!!!

  6. Shafer says that whatever the moon eats has given him really bad acne and now he has huge scars and pits in his face.

    Dalton says that he thinks the moon eats all the space mice that try to eat it (because it's made of cheese).

    *I* think the moon eats color.

  7. The moon eats our dreams and turns them into stars that shoot across the sky to remind us that all dreams carry us to far away places with wonders that can only be seen in our sleep.

  8. The moon tries not be too picky, but he likes deep-fried Cosmic Fish best. You know, 'Muppets From Space' Cosmic Fish? That's why he gets so fat. Everybody knows fried fish is unhealthy. So when he wants to slim down again he eats them grilled, with lemon sauce. It's a vicious cycle.

  9. the moon eats ramen noodles.

  10. The moon eats lightning bugs.
