Monday, March 30, 2009

Who are you?

I added a widget to my blog. Down there on the bottom right. It's called a Live Traffic Feed and it has consumed me.

I love for people to read my blog. I get jittery and excited when I see a comment from someone that I didn't even know read my blog. A lot of people would get nervous and scared over the fact that people they don't know read about their life and family and I probably should but I can't help myself. I LOVE it! I probably have some sort of disorder that causes this excitement. The more people check it the more I want to post.

Back to the LTF. According to it, I have people from Washington, Pennsylvania, Tifton and Chula, GA, and other places that I can't remember ever meeting anyone that lived there visiting here. Is this correct? If it is, yeah!!! Tell me about you. Introduce yourself and if we already know each other, say hello! Your visitation makes me happy. :)


  1. I feel the same way when I get comments!! Maybe I should add one of those!!!

  2. I live in booneville. there is nothing to tell

  3. I'm mysteriously mysterious. and like to creep around from blog to blog.

  4. Anonymous6:31 AM

    My name is Dona Lord, and I am a lurker.:) You don't know me, but you might know my father-in-law, Elder Raybon Lord. Also, we have had the privilege of having your dad in our area (south Georgia) and in our home.

    I enjoy your blog. You have such a beautiful family. I can relate to some of your household happenings. I am a homeschooling mom of four- ages 9, 7, almost 6, and 4.

    God Bless,
    Dona Lord

  5. I'm a hands on granny....when I can get my hands on them...and I enjoy seeing minute by minute, but settle for day by day happenings of my grandbabies. I mean you no harm:) love the blog. Stay on that high...I enjoy the benefits:))

  6. I LOVE getting new comments too and when I get more comments, it makes me want to blog more. I have alot of people tell em they enjoy the blog and check it all the time but they dont comment! How am I suppose to know if people even care what I write if they dont comment?? Glad Im not the only one!

  7. Anonymous6:30 PM

    i would be the person from richmond, IN...pen-pals from about age 10...i visited arkansas, you visited indiana a couple of summer all by yourself!!

    can you guess who i am? hahahaha
