Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Giving Thanks

It's finally not raining. Finally. I'm not sure how long it is supposed to last but I'm so thankful for the sunshine. You know what else that I would be thankful for? Photoshop.

I'm thankful that Eily is currently happy and occupied by someone other than myself. Very, very thankful.

I'm thankful that my house is picked up. It's been a long, long time.

I'm thankful that the pest control man is coming in a few to spray the house. NO MORE ANTS!!!! Oh, and spiders too.

I'm thankful for cousins and what they make possible. :)

I'm thankful that my girls are growing up living close to their cousins. (This is true until September so I'd better thank it to death while I still can. ) (That sentence makes no sense.)

I'm thankful that my entire family gets to eat out for free tonight.

What are you specifically thankful for today?
Thanking away,


  1. Oh I'm thankful that my kids are finally getting better from some crazy illness they had for 5 days!!

  2. No. Louis and Abi are having a little girl in September.

  3. I'm thankful for time spent with family. The best vacation in the world is the ones I spend with my sisters. :)

  4. I'm thankful that tomorrow is the last day of anything remotely school-related!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Bonnie, I thought I missed something too....about moving!ha. Now I get it!duh!ha.ha.
