Thursday, May 07, 2009

That ol' grass

The back yard and I have a contest going on. Or maybe it's me and the mower. Or maybe they are both working together to make it IMPOSSIBLE for me to get both the front and the back yard mowed in the same day. Today I got the side yard and the front yard mowed. Eily was down for what was destined to be a long nap and I was bound and determined to get the back jungle mowed. Last week I got one third of it mowed before the rain started in. So now the other negelected two thirds of the yard is actually knee high... or is it knee deep? I started in on the same patch that I got to mow last week and before I could even get that little part finished, I ran out of gas. I couldn't go get more gas because I would have to wake Eily up and then if she was awake I wouldn't be able to mow. The verb tense in this paragraph is all over the place. So, once again, the jungle remains. Once Jason got home I sent him for more gas and I went out to mow for the 30 minutes of daylight that was left and the silly mower wouldn't start.

Maybe tomorrow. Or maybe not.


  1. wow.

    apply that scenario to our live (except insert something besides mower. something that relates to wedding) and you've just about hit the nail on the head.

    this is my empathizing face --> :-|

  2. That sounds like a sign to me....That you are not supposed to be mowing!!!!

  3. I know. But I love to mow. Usually I have Jason finish the back b/c it is really big and hilly.
