Monday, December 21, 2009

It smells like spring outside.

What a beautiful day!

The girls are getting a chance to play outside with Bella before we hit the road. I am braving the weather (since it is lovely) and cleaning out the van and........

I completed my ironing. ALL of it. That is a big, big deal for me.

I doubt that I will be posting much during this holiday week but you never know. I might just find the time while vegging out at the in-laws. Maybe I'll take a break between my canasta games and get you all caught up on our holiday going-on's.

Pioneer Woman is having contests every day through the 25th on her blog .  She's also having them on her Tasty Kitchen blog. Go enter and buy me a professional carpet cleaning with your prize.

Happy Holidays!


  1. better to smell like SPRING than the smell yesterday....blamed on Eily!ha.

  2. Post about your trip!!! Already missing all of you!!!!!!!
