Friday, December 25, 2009

It's almost my anniversary!

Christmas is over which means that New Year's is almost here which means that right after that I will have been married 5 years. Such a short time and yet such a long, long time. So much can happen in 5 years. 3 babies can happen in 5 years. 3 homes can happen in 5 years.  2 complete sets of dishes can happen in 5 years.

We are still enjoying our family here in Tennessee. The girls have moments of being overstimulated and super cranky but overall are having a wonderful week.

I can't believed it snowed at home. Snow must hate me. It never wants to be where I am. :(


  1. Just wait. It is suppose to ice and snow again Wed. You will be here by then. You can have all of my ice and snow, I do not want any more.

  2. If it's almost your anniversary, I guess it's almost Jason's anniversary too.LOL
    8 more days:)
